
WHOO HOOOO! A nice Surprise!

My brother will be here in two hours!

Tammy came in from Vegas Wednesday morning, and is upstairs asleep right now. I just got a call from my brother Jim. He is loading potatoes in O'Neill and has to go to Blackfoot with them. So he is coming by on State Hwy 20, and dropping in to see us! What a surprise for Tammy! What a joy for us! To see my brother again!

He hasn't seen the house yet, although I've been sending him pictures. He and Dorren were thinking about coming by sometime around Christmas - but distances and time may keep us apart still, as they always seem to do. Driving down to North Platte a few months ago to meet him was a treat. He is always on the road, though, it seems, and we haven't been able to hook up since.

I can't wait to show him the place; the house, the town, and for him to see Tammy again.

Of course we had plans for the weekend; we always have plans. But this is a GREAT interruption! I think I'll make a CD of pictures of the house for him to take back to Dorren. And smuggle a couple of jars of pickles into his truck. Oh, wait, he likes horseradish, too - I'll clean some up and put it in a jar for him, too. What fun!

I really should get dressed first! LOL But I won't wake Tammy just yet... she's driving back east today and needs her sleep. She liked Las Vegas and now, finally, is ready to unass the east coast and come out here with us. I am so glad, especially with how those poor, pathetic, miserable folks back home are spending thousands of taxpayers' dollars to try to 'prove' that what we did was criminal back there. Well, it wasn't - that's what we had an attorney for - but they in their vicious and spiteful ignorance demanded a forensic audit and have now called in the State to investigate. What they will find is exactly what we found - the person who was ripping off the town did it legally if not ethically, and we fired her for it even though we couldn't prosecute her for it. As much as we wanted to. And she immediately sued us for 'discrimination' to muddy the waters and screw things up as much as she could, desperately struggling even in her guilt to hurt others. Tammy does not need to be there to hear all of that cruelty and meanness - cruelty and meanness that is endemic to that place. I'm glad she will finally get out of there. While here and in Vegas, she met REAL people - decent, honest, and fun-loving, who know how to live their lives cleanly and honestly, without knifing others for pure pleasure and excitedly wallowing in their own filth, because they have nothing better to do. Whew. She had no idea that there were whole AREAS of decent, intelligent, and thinking people who have real lives! And now that she has seen what the different areas have to offer, she is looking forward, not backward, just as we are doing and tried to teach all of our children to do.

It's funny how people who have no dreams always try to destroy the dreams of others, isn't it? I thought for years that all that had to be done was for them to be shown, and they would move ahead, move forward, eagerly and happily, rising ever upward in thought and action. I was wrong. The only thing one can do then is to shake them off, let them wallow, whine, cut and knife and torment each other for eternity, and move on. Tammy sees that now, and I'm glad of it. So she'll go back there and make her plans and then move out here! If you can call 1700 miles away "out here".... LOL So I'll have my brother, my son, and my daughter all within a reasonable distance. Life is GOOD!

Gotta get to work! Hee hee... My brother's coming!!!!

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